One of our partners posed the question on how to publish our ads in their WordPress blog. This made me think posting it in our blog might make sense. WordPress has so many different themed styles, it can really go anywhere on any template. So this is what our partners have been doing to this point.

Login to your wordpress admin section and navigate to PRESENTATION >> THEME EDITOR. From this screen you should be able to edit the different files located on the right side. If you cannot update the files, WordPress will give a message on setting file permissions.

Click on the file you wish to show the text ads on and it will show the code in the text editor. It could be the foot, sidebar, header or one of the other files. Inside the code, you will need to place your php file inclusion code snip, provided in your LinkWorth account, exactly where you wish the text ads to appear.

One important thing to note is if you are placing your LinkWorth code inside php tags ( < ? and ? > ), you need to omit the php tags provided in the LinkWorth code. If the code is being placed outside of opening and closing php tags, then you need to make sure to include our exact code.

If you have an RSS aggregator, you can also use our RSS feed in place of the file inclusion code.

Of course, if you have any questions, our support will always be there to help.