SES London

Goodbye Dallas…hello London!

We will be making our European trade show debut at SES London next week and we invite all of our Partners and Advertisers who will be in attendance to come by and say hello. It’s a great opportunity for us to meet some of the important members of our community that we don’t get to see on the trade show circuit here in the states…so come on by if you can!

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Your Home’s Armor: Why Hiring Top-Tier Siding and Roofing Contractors is Essential

Your house is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s a sanctuary, an investment, and a source of pride. Protecting it from the elements is paramount, and that’s where your roof and siding come in – the first lines of defense against Mother Nature’s wrath. But when it comes to repairs or renovations, hiring just any contractor won’t do. Here’s why investing in top-tier roofing and siding contractor in Calgary , AB, is the smartest decision you can make for your home.

Prevention is Key: Avoiding Costly Damage

A well-maintained roof and exterior walls are the cornerstones of a healthy home. Here’s how skilled siding and roofing contractors can prevent future problems:

Expert Inspections: Experienced professionals can identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. Early detection of a small leak in your roof or a developing crack in your siding can save you thousands of dollars in repairs down the road.
Quality Materials and Installation: Top-tier contractors use high-grade, durable materials specifically designed to withstand your region’s climate. They also ensure proper installation techniques, preventing leaks, drafts, and structural issues that can lead to costly damage.

Energy Efficiency: Saving Money and the Environment

Modern roofing and siding materials can significantly improve your home’s energy performance. Here’s how the right contractors can help you save:

Improved Insulation: Reputable contractors can recommend roofing and siding materials with high insulation values. This helps regulate your home’s temperature naturally, reducing your reliance on heating and cooling systems and lowering your energy bills.
Ventilation Strategies: Skilled roofers understand the importance of proper ventilation for your attic space. This prevents moisture buildup, which can damage your roof and lead to mold growth, impacting your health and energy efficiency.

Peace of Mind and Increased Value: A Sound Investment

A well-maintained home with a high-quality roof and siding offers peace of mind and a significant return on investment. Here’s how:

Safety and Security: Knowing your home is properly protected from the elements allows you to relax and focus on what matters most. A secure roof and weatherproof siding prevent water damage, mold growth, and other issues that can compromise your family’s health and safety.
Enhanced Curb Appeal: A visually appealing exterior with a flawless roof and attractive siding creates a positive first impression. This is crucial if you’re planning to sell your home, as it can significantly increase its market value.

Lawn care plays a surprisingly integral role in the overall maintenance and protection of your home’s roof. A well-maintained lawn prevents excessive vegetation growth, such as overhanging tree branches and unchecked bushes, which can pose significant risks to the roof. Overgrown branches can scrape against roofing materials, dislodge shingles, or even cause punctures during high winds or storms. Additionally, leaves and debris from trees can accumulate on the roof and in gutters, leading to blockages that impede water drainage. Proper lawn care, including regular trimming and pruning ensures that trees and shrubs are kept at a safe distance from the roof,  when landscaping with rocks decorative uses are trending in a safe manner, thus mitigating these potential hazards.

Furthermore, effective lawn care helps to manage moisture levels around your home, which can indirectly impact the health of your roof. Poorly maintained lawns with inadequate drainage can lead to water pooling around the foundation of the house, increasing the likelihood of leaks and water damage that can affect both the structure and the roof. By maintaining proper landscaping and ensuring efficient drainage, homeowners can prevent excess moisture from seeping into the home, which can contribute to mold growth and structural issues that could eventually affect the roof. Proper lawn care, including maintaining healthy grass and well-planned landscaping, plays a crucial role in managing the moisture levels that can indirectly impact the roof’s integrity.

In addition to these practical considerations, regular lawn care contributes to the overall curb appeal and value of your home, which includes the perceived condition and maintenance of the roof. A well-manicured lawn and landscape can reflect positively on the entire property, indicating to potential buyers or visitors that the home is well-cared for and maintained. This perception extends to the roof, as a neglected yard may lead others to assume similar neglect of the home’s other critical areas, such as the roof. Therefore, investing time and effort into lawn care not only protects your roof physically but also enhances the overall impression of diligent home maintenance, contributing to the home’s market value and aesthetic appeal.

Why Cutting Corners Can Cost You More

While a DIY approach or hiring an inexperienced contractor might seem tempting, it can lead to bigger problems down the road. Here’s why qualified siding and roofing contractors are essential:

Material Expertise: Experienced professionals have the knowledge to recommend the best materials for your specific needs, considering factors like climate, roof pitch, and architectural style.
Flawless Installation: Skilled contractors ensure proper installation techniques, preventing leaks, drafts, and other issues that can lead to costly repairs and potential structural damage.
Warranties and Guarantees: Reputable contractors offer warranties on their work and materials, giving you peace of mind and protection in case of unforeseen problems.

Investing in Your Home’s Future

Hiring top-tier siding and roofing contractors is an investment in your most valuable asset – your home. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about protecting your family, saving money on energy bills, and potentially increasing your property value. Don’t settle for anything less than the best. By partnering with skilled professionals, you’ll ensure your home remains a safe, secure, and energy-efficient haven for years to come.

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The Importance of Unique Content

Hey there to everyone in the LinkWorth family.  I just wanted to take a moment to discuss the latest Google Algorithm update and how we can all make sure to stay on the light side of the force with this change; that way we can all keep our rankings high and the traffic flowing in.  To summarize what is widely understood as the main concern of this new update, Google is putting forth more effort than ever before to fight content farming; essentially duplicate and/or stolen content.

Look for Salt Lake City web developers near me to find a group of professionals that will help you to create a solid website with great content.

What does this mean for you? Well, it means that if your site has duplicate content on it then there is a chance it could be devalued and drop in the rankings.  Fortunately the solution is simple, just make sure your site is composed of unique and compelling content.  Granted, this is “the Internet” and content is regularly swapped and shared (that’s the very definition of something going viral) however I would urge Webmasters out there to consider the many benefits of original content beyond simply staying on the good side of Google.  For E-Commerce sites, original content and copy help to differentiate your store from that of your competitors, and for blogs and most other types of websites unique and original content is what will keep your visitors coming back again and again, as well as attracting new visitors. The ultimate aim here is to provide the best value and experience for the end users of our websites.  For those that may need a little help, might I remind everyone that LinkWorth has a team of writers standing by to create original content for whatever your need may be.  If we keep these things in mind and create great content, being found online is a piece of cake.

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Happy Holidays!!

I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful holiday season so far. Just a reminder, our offices will be closed tomorrow, December 23, and will reopen on Tuesday, December 28.

Holidays are indeed a prime season for parents to buy kids clothes online. During holidays, parents often seek to dress their children in festive attire, creating a surge in demand for kids clothing. Online shopping offers convenience, a wide variety of options, and the ability to compare prices and styles.

Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2010 another great year in LinkWorth history. We laughed. We cried. We linked…

We have some exciting plans for 2011 and can’t wait to hear what you think. Along with some fairly major upgrades to both the front and back ends of, we hope to innovate some new ways to make our Partners some money and help our Advertisers increase their traffic. Stay tuned!

Have a happy and safe New Year!

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Beware of Fake LinkWorth Emails

Today we sent a system wide email to warn everyone of fake emails that are being sent. There seems to be confusion on the email we sent, so I wanted to also post it here on the blog to ensure everyone understands.

We were notified of phishing emails being sent to people that make it appear as if LinkWorth had sent it from support {at} linkworth, however, this was not us. If you get any sort of email saying your account with LinkWorth has been temporarily disabled and it asks you to download a file, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE FILE.

Here is one email that has been reported:

Dear Customer,

This e-mail was send by to notify you that we have temporanly prevented access to your account.

We have reasons to beleive that your account may have been accessed by someone else. Please run this file and Follow instructions:

(Link to file – not shown)


LinkWorth will never ask you to update personal and login information via email, nor download any sort of file. If you receive an email similar to this, please forward it to admin {at} linkworth {dot} com. This appears to be an isolated incident, but something we couldn’t just ignore.

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SES Toronto

Calling all canucks! Is anyone going to SES Toronto next month? Ron and I are going old-school and doing the show ourselves for the first time in a couple of years, so come by and see us if you’re going to be in town. (Or, better yet, give me a shout ahead of time and maybe we can string something together.)

Beyond that, neither one of us has ever been to Toronto and we’re looking for some suggestions on what to do, where to eat, etc. If you’re familiar with that part of the world, let me hear from you!

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Little Feature Added to LinkPost

We’ve added a new feature to our LinkPost and LinkPost Jobs that many will find extremely beneficial. It’s called “Pre-Written Content” and in a nutshell, Advertisers create the content for the LinkPost they purchase and Partners use this content to create a new post on their blog.

One of the most complained about items when it comes to LinkPost and LinkPost Jobs, is the actual content produced in the post. While there are many that do a wonderful job at writing original content, there are also many that just don’t quite meet the Advertiser’s standard.

Due to this reason and suggestions from clients, we have implemented a new feature called “Pre-Written Content”.Think of a LinkBB and a LinkPost combination; the Advertiser creates the content and the Partner publishes it.The Advertiser gets a perfect post they are 100% satisfied with and the Partner gets a guest blogger making a new post on their blog and being paid for it.It’s “VERY” easy money for the Partner.

Advertiser Information
For Advertisers, we’ve added a new radio option as shown below that asks if the new outline will have pre-written content or not. If you select “Yes”, a new pre-written content text field will appear where you will put the content in. <HTML TAGS ARE ALLOWED!> The best recommendation would be to either format your post with some sort of editor that allows you to insert the html tags, then copy the content with tags over to the pre-written content field. You can also submit the content without tags if you choose to not use them. All paragraphs and line breaks will be recognized and carried over.

Finding a Local CBD Shop vs. Shopping Online

You have two main options: buying from a local shop or shopping online. Both avenues have their own set of advantages and disadvantages that are worth considering before making your decision.

Immediate Access to Products at Nearby Stores

One of the benefits of buying from a local shop is the immediate access to products. If you’re in urgent need of CBD gummies or simply prefer to see and touch the product before making a purchase, visiting a physical store can be convenient. You can walk in, browse through the different brands and options available, and make your purchase on the spot.


Instant gratification: No waiting for delivery.

Physical interaction: You can examine the packaging, read labels, and ask questions about the product directly to store staff.

Quick restocking: If you run out of CBD gummies unexpectedly, you can easily replenish your supply by visiting the store again.


Limited selection: Local shops may not carry as many brands or varieties as online retailers.

Higher prices: Due to overhead costs associated with running a physical store, prices at local shops may be higher compared to online options.

Inconvenience: If there isn’t a nearby store or if it has limited operating hours, it might be inconvenient for some customers.

Exploring Wider Range of Options and Potential Discounts Online

On the other hand, shopping online opens up a world of possibilities. Online marketplaces offer an extensive range of CBD gummy products from various brands. This allows you to explore different strengths, flavors, and formulations that may not be available locally. Many online retailers often provide discounts and promotions that can help save money on your purchase.


Extensive variety: Online retailers usually have a wider selection of CBD gummies compared to local stores.

Competitive pricing: Due to increased competition, online retailers often offer more competitive prices and frequent sales.

Convenience: You can shop from the comfort of your own home at any time that suits you.


Delayed gratification: Depending on the shipping speed, you may have to wait a few days or longer for your CBD gummies to arrive.

Lack of physical interaction: You won’t be able to physically examine the product before purchasing, which may be a drawback for some customers.

Potential quality concerns: It’s important to thoroughly research and read reviews about online retailers to ensure you are purchasing from reputable sources.

When deciding between a local shop and online shopping, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and priorities. If immediate access and physical interaction with the product are crucial to you, visiting a nearby store might be the way to go. However, if you value a wider range of options, potential discounts, and the convenience of shopping from home, exploring online retailers is worth considering.

Remember that regardless of where you choose to purchase your CBD gummies, it’s essential to prioritize quality. Look for brands that provide lab results or third-party testing information on their products. This will give you insight into the potency and purity of the CBD used in the gummies. Reading customer reviews can help gauge the effectiveness and overall satisfaction with different brands.


After you have completed the fields for the Outline and submitted, your outline will be saved and queued for review.Once your outline is approved, everything else will operate the same as before.

We definitely recommend making each pre-written LinkPost unique. The most effective practice would be to select the blogs you want to publish your LinkPost on. Learn the blog and how they speak to their audience. Then do your best to make your pre-written LinkPost blend in well with the bloggers other posts. You’ll need to create a new outline for each pre-written post.

Another recommendation is to go ahead and put the links in the content where you want it. This takes all of the work out of the Partner’s hands and you’re 99% certain it will be published exactly how you want it to be published.

Partner Information
LinkPost just became really easy for Partners when pre-written content is provided! The worst part, for most, is thinking of what to say about said site/product or keywords. Quite often, the content falls short of what the Advertisers are hoping to see, so this option helps both sides.

Partners will know when a pending LinkPost or a LinkPost job has pre-written content included. As you can see in the image below, you’ll see the yellow highlighted part that says “Use pre-written content as the blog post”.You’ll also see the content on the right side column.



Once you click “Approve”, it will direct you to the next screen that gives the publishing instructions.


On the Publish Instructions, you will see all of the usual items, but now if it includes the pre-written content, you’ll see it in the right-side column.All of the pre-written content will be inside the textarea box that will highlight with a single click, and then you can copy to your clipboard with a CTRL C (or right-click and choose Copy).Then go to your new blog post page and paste the content with a CTRL V (or right-click and choose Paste).

Note: when using copy/paste that has html tags in WordPress, you will need to switch your wordpress editor to the HTML version. Otherwise the special formatting will be lost. This is an illustration of the two editors offered.


If you would like to go over pre-written content before publishing, click the “Preview” link under the textarea box and it will open a new window showing the page formatted properly.

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Advertisers – Let Us Do The Work

If you’re a current LinkWorth advertiser, or a potential advertising client, why would you want to spend all of your time managing your campaigns? Let LinkWorth Account Managers manage your campaigns for you!

You might have already noticed the new feature that’s now available in all Advertiser accounts. It’s the new “Account Manager” tab located on the top right side of your Control Center, as illustrated below:


Once you click this menu option, it will take you to the new page that allows you to convert your Advertiser account to a “managed” account:


You’ll also have access to your Account Manager’s contact information:


There are also additional tools that will be available to help you communicate with your Account Manager, request proposals and other features.

Advertisers will now always have an Account Manager at their fingertips when they need them. Once you convert your account, a message is sent to them and they will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Our staff is here to help however you see fit and we look forward to helping.

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Pubcon: The after-party

Drinks, new friends, dinners, tattoos, meetings, old friends, situs poker online tournaments, fake mustaches, and a few more drinks. That about sums up this year’s Pubcon show in Las Vegas.

I’ll be the first to admit that as soon as we rolled into the exhibit hall to set up our booth, I was underwhelmed. By my count, there were only 19 exhibitor displays in total. I was thinking to myself, “Wow…this one could be hard to justify.” It’s expensive business flying 6 people out to Vegas, after all, especially when you consider the way we tend to do things around here. But leave it to the salty-dogs of Pubcon to come through once again. Brett, my apologies for doubting you. Sure there might have been fewer exhibitors, but that sure didn’t seem to slow things down for us. All in all, I’ll have to say it was a great success yet again.

Wednesday was fantastic. We connected with friends and associates from the past and a bunch of new ones, too. I enjoyed chatting with everyone that came by the booth and for those of you that came to our happy hour at The Wynn…thanks for showing up! I hope you had as much fun as we did. I heard I had an especially good time. (Just kidding…I remember everything. Seriously.)

Things seemed to slow down at the show on Thursday, but that’s usually the case on day 2. Thursday night, however, we (err….most of us…I couldn’t make it) hooked up with the legendary DK to sponsor the bar tab at his annual Texas Holdem Poker Tournament, which I heard was a lot fun. Always great seeing you, bud. Congrats to the sbobet winner, whoever that was. I also heard we had some rather large “branding opportunities” as a result of our sponsorship…

Friday was epic. The big networking event was at a pretty cool pub in the Monte Carlo and, as usual, it lived up to its’ billing. It seemed like everyone from the show was there…all in one room…and conversation (and beer) flowed easily. It was there that we decided to crank things up a notch and put on our fake mustaches. There are certain folks in the industry that frown on some of the services we provide so we thought it best to be “incognito.” Or even more accurately, we just enjoy being silly and that we were. My hat is off to the girls on our team who played along. You wore them well Christine, Robin, Jerri & Amanda! We definitely got our share of strange looks, didn’t we???

But wait…we’re not done yet. Friday sort of flowed right into Friday night where we found ourselves enjoying an incredible dinner at N9NE at the Palms. It was awesome, but not as awesome as our two newest inductees to the InkWorth Hall of Fame. Yes, that’s right, there are now at least 6 people walking the earth with our logo forever stamped on them. And these two are women! Jerri and Amanda, we love your spirit and those tats look fantastic. I think we should start getting bulk discounts at Hart & Huntington! All of our pictures can be seen here on Flickr.

Don’t ask me what happened after that because I couldn’t tell you. All I know is that we made our flight on Saturday morning and all arrived home safely.

See you in March for Pubcon Dallas!

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Tell Us What You Would Like To See

Those that use LinkWorth usually have the best suggestions on how to make improvements to what we currently have. Periodically we’ll reach out and try to get good feedback on what you would like to see improved or added on to our existing system.

As always, we’re constantly adding new updates that make our Control Center function more efficiently, but it’s your turn to tell us what you think. All comments will be well thought out and if it makes sense, we’ll get it on the list and once it’s live, we’ll make an announcement and name it after you.

Now we already know that all Partners want more business, but this is not what we’re asking for. Keep this to improvements that will make what you do in your account easier. Just comment below with your suggestions.

(***Side Note*** if you’re planning on attending PubCon in Vegas next week, let us know. We’re thinking about having a little happy hour if there are enough customers that will be there. )

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