Today while approving new comments and weeding out the spam that gets through, I began reading a comment that first appears like a long thought, but as I start reading, I realize someone was trying to advertise their services by way of blog comment spam. This was their pitch:

Hall of Shame - - Spammer

So lets spam a link building network with a comment spam saying they’re the “BEST SEO” and their specialty is “link building“. HAAA! I would suggest that these guys aren’t all that great at what they do since they are resorting to blog spam to promote themselves. I would never resort to spamming blogs in our own market, especially trying to steal customers.

As I began typing this, I wanted to visit their site to gather any info that would be pertinent in my Hall of Shame post. I was surprised with a forced chat by someone, which I’m guessing is the only person behind this site, and he calls himself “Expert“. It asked me for a name and I entered “Joe” just to see if someone was there. I asked many questions and figured I would share the conversation. I put it into PDF format rather than posting it. Notice the generic weather talk: – Chat Conversation

Welcome to the Hall of Shame, “Expert”.