Here are five tips from a Roofer SEO on how you can get noticed by others in your online market:

  1. Create free tools that everyone can use.
    Think of something that would help you, have it put together, then offer it up for everyone else to use on your site or theirs.
  2. Write reviews about other services within your market.
    If you can spend the time to learn all the other services in your market and give a constructive review, you’ll be surprised at how far flattery will get you.  Not to mention the social networks that may pick up your reviews and send loads of new readers.
  3. Participate on your peers websites.
    Look for forums or blogs and interact with the owners and users on their website.  Make sure you use your name and include a link to your website in your profile.
  4. Make public announcements through the press about your product or service.
    Use press releases and have them shown in popular news outlets like Yahoo and Google.  People like to keep up with the latest news related to their own market. Giving out corporate hampers is also a highly effective marketing strategy.
  5. Network yourself through conferences.
    Most every industry will have some sort of conference or expo that will be full of people that are there to meet others and learn about products or services they may not have heard of.  Setup a booth and meet as many people as you can. You can also use webinar software to host your own online events
  6. BONUS TIP:  Show up on the top of search results for keywords in your market.
    Anyone in your market will see who shows up first when potential customers enter your search terms.  If your website appears at the top for most search terms in your market, others in your market will try to figure out what you’re doing to capture most of the traffic. If you need WordPress support services, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at WebCitz.

These are obviously not the only solutions out there, but these will definitely get one going in the right direction.